Manned security guarding is still one of the key preventative measures to ensure the protection of your property and personnel. Centre Circle’s manned security officers always provide a proactive and professional approach. We provide these services to licensed bars and clubs, in addition to working with local authorities, and shopping centres.

We fully understand that every organisation has a unique set of security challenges, so everything from our recruitment policies and training programs are geared towards delivering highly skilled officers.

The value of the physical presence of a security officer cannot be overstated. Security officers are often the first person a visitor might encounter when they arrive at your premises. Our officers have the training and professionalism to fit seamlessly into our client’s culture.

Unrivalled experience and Innovative Services

Centre Circle Event Management have been involved in the stewarding and security of events both at ground level and senior management level for over 30 years. We have an established reputation for being a market-leader in the security industry and we take pride in the fact we provide the best staff in the industry. This is all achieved by our unrivalled experience and the rigorous selection, training and management processes we have in place.

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Enthusiastic, passionate and hard working team

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High level of customer service

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100% Online Staff Portal

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